Tag: cellulostic biofuel

  • Streptomyces Bacteria to Break Down Cellulose

    Some very exciting breakthroughs have been made recently in using fungii and sugars to break through tough wood cellulose cell walls and access the abundant energy inside to make various types of fuel. New research carried out on a specific group of bacteria known as Streptomyces shows how certain bacterial strains developed improved abilities to…

  • Major Advancements in Cellulostic Biofuel

    Some very exciting breakthroughs have been made recently in using fungii and sugars to break through tough wood cellulose cell walls and access the abundant energy inside to make various types of fuel. Producing fuels from plants and other renewable sources requires breaking down the chemical cellulose, which traditionally has required the same amount of…

  • Lumber News Archives: June 2013

    US Housing Market ; Madison’s Timber Preview ; Canadian Housing Starts ; Housing Starts, Japan ; New Cedar Shingle Mill ; Forestry Worker Fatality ;Cellulostic Biomass Fuel ; US Forest Service Wildfire Battle ; Canada Building Permits ; Rental Market, Architectural Billings, US ; Maryland Sawmill Fire Non-Residential Construction Uses for Wood ; CP Rail…