Canada Softwood Lumber Production: September 2015

Lumber production by sawmills increased 5.2 per cent from August to 5,563.5 thou- sand cubic metres in September, according to new data released by Statistics Canada Tuesday. Compared with September 2014, lumber production rose 7.8 per cent.

Sawmills shipped 5,609.5 thousand cubic metres of lumber in September, up 8.5 per cent from August. Shipments rose 11.8 per cent compared with September 2014.

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Canada Softwood Lumber Production, Shipments, and Stocks: September 2015

Lumber production by sawmills increased 6.4 per cent from for January to September 2015, to 46.84 million cubic metres, according to new data released by Statistics Canada Tuesday. Lumber production was 43.84 million cubic metres for the same time last year.
Sawmills shipped 47.30 million cubic metres of lumber for the first nine months of 2015, up 7.9 per cent from last year. In 2014 lumber shipments were 43.54 million cubic metres.