Canada and US Forestry Data: Full Year 2017

Data of volumes and values of North American forestry production, sales, and exports is starting to emerge out of Statistics Canada, Industry Canada, and the US Census.

Of intense interest is Canadian softwood lumber production for full-year 2017. Now that the average approximately 20% US lumber duties are in effect, the movement of wood last wood will be a good indication of that for coming years under this new political constraint on US lumber sales.

As well, out just Thursday is Canadian lumber exports for full year 2017. Also available now is US log exports and US lumber imports and exports full year 2017.

Put together, this latest data tells a very good story of what has happened with timber extraction, lumber manufacturing, sales, and exports in Canada and the US for 2017.


For full-year 2017 VALUES of manufacturing sales at sawmills in Canada grew +16%, to C$12.4 billion, compared to C$10.4 billion for full-year 2016.Values of US Log Exports: Full Year 2017

In a trend begun close to the beginning of last year, the VALUE of US coniferous LOG exports to China continued to increase by large amounts, increasing by a whopping 42% in full-year 2017, at US$745 million, compared to US$429 million in 2016.

The total VALUE of US coniferous LOG exports to the WORLD combined also increased resoundingly, by almost 25%, to US$1,413 million compared to US$1,052 million in 2016.Values of US Lumber Imports: Full Year 2017

US lumber imports from THE WORLD rose further, by +7.6%, to US$6,631 million, compared to US$6,128 million for 2016.

The VALUE of US coniferous sawn wood products IMPORTS from Canada increased by a smaller amount, at +4%, to US$5,793 million in full-year 2017, compared to US$5,551 million the year before. The VALUE of US coniferous sawn wood products IMPORTS from China continued it’s sharp increases, up +21%, to US$57 million, in full-year 2017, compared to the previous year’s US$45 million.Values of US Lumber Exports: Full Year 2017

The VALUE of US lumber EXPORTS to China continued their sharp increases of last year, up another +16%, to US$226 million, in full-year 2017, compared to the previous year’s US$189 million.

US lumber exports to THE WORLD also increased, by almost 10%, to US$1,130 million, compared to US$1,021 million in 2016.

In keeping with the trend for most of last year, US lumber exports to CANADA for full-year 2017 remained exactly flat compared to the previous, both at US$207 million.Values of Canadian Lumber Exports: Full Year 2017

The VALUE of Canadian softwood lumber EXPORTS to USA for full- year 2017 rose by +17%, to C$9,066 million, compared to 2016 when it was C$7,501 million. The VALUE of Canadian softwood lumber EXPORTS to China for full-year 2017 grew by +13%, to C$1,183 million, compared to 2016 when it was C$1,031 million.

The VALUE of Canadian softwood lumber EXPORTS to THE WORLD for full-year 2017 increased by more than +16%, to C$11,924 million, compared to 2016 when it was C$9,971 million.