Tag: japan lumber imports

  • Japan Building Projection: Fiscal Year 2017

    On July 26, Japan’s Research Institute of Construction and Economy and the Economic Research Association released “Outlook of Construction Investment According to Construction Economy Model”, said Japan Lumber Journal October 15. In that report, the organizations predict Japan housing starts in fiscal 2017 (from April 2017 to March 2018) to decrease 1.3 per cent compared…

  • Japan Housing Starts: August 2017

    According to Japan’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Japan housing starts for August were 80,562 units (down 2 per cent from the same month in the previous year), falling below the previous year’s results for two consecutive months, said Japan Lumber Journal Monday. Japan Housing Starts The seasonally-adjusted annual rate for housing starts…

  • Japan Housing Starts: July 2017

    According to a report released by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism on August 31st, Japan’s housing starts in July were 83,234 units, a drop of 2.3 per cent from the same month in the previous year, said Japan Lumber Journal September 15. When compared to the previous months, that figure decreased by…

  • Japan Wood Demand Projection 2017

    Japan’s Forestry Agency projected the country’s wood supply of structural laminated lumber for 2017 is up +5.2 per cent, and that of plywood is up +3.2 per cent compared to the previous year, said Japan Lumber Reports Friday. New housing starts in Japan are forecast by eleven private think tanks based on GDP for 1Q…