Tag: north america lumber supply

  • North American Wood Products Industry in 2015 and Beyond

    Forest Economic Advisors — Conference Call with BMO Capital Markets Last week was held a regular conference call about the North American wood products industry by Mark Wilde at BMO Capital Markets. Analysts at Forest Economic Advisors provided the update. US Housing • FEA pessimistic on US housing starts relative to consensus: 1.1 million starts…

  • Advertise with Madison’s !

    Get YOUR word directly to North America’s forest products industry… Y o u r N a m e H e r e Immediately reach executives, decision makers, and managers in the natural resources sector, specifically related to timber products. Support Canada’s ONLY national publication tracking North American softwood product values. SAMPLE AD: Advertising Information:

  • Madison’s Interactive Web Price Graphing Tool : Beta Testing

    Take this limited-time opportunity to be a beta-tester! Madison’s Interactive Web Price Graphing Tool is almost finished development stage and will soon begin pre-publication sale. To access simply visit: http://mlrdemo.gobi.ca Username: portland Password: Pine2014

  • Forest Product Manufacturing, Sales, Export Data

    The latest round of data releases for January and February, out this week from Statistics Canada and Industry Canada, are shaping up to tell a great story for the next issue of Madison’s Forest Pulse (to be emailed May 4). Also the Western Wood Products Association’s most recent issue of Lumber Track, out Thursday, provides…

  • Canada Lumber Sales & Exports 2014: Volumes & Values

    Canada Lumber Sales & Exports 2014: Vols & Vals from Madison’s Lumber Reporter