Nanotechnology: Stronger Plastic Made From Cellulose
 In the recent past, the immense financial and technical support from government bodies and research organizations for exploring nanocellulose usage has primarily driven the global nanocellulose market. NanoCrystalline Cellulose (NCC) Researchers at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory have made a better thermoplastic by replacing styrene with lignin, a brittle, rigid polymer that,…
Biomass Fuel Production
Cellufuel moved into the former Bowater Mersey paper plant in Brooklyn, NS, after the plant closed in 2012, throwing around 2,000 people out of work, according to CBC Friday. Since then, Cellufuel has been developing biofuel that could be used in vehicles and for heating. The plant transforms otherwise low-value wood fibre into renewable diesel…
Biomass Fuel Production
Cellufuel moved into the former Bowater Mersey paper plant in Brooklyn, NS, after the plant closed in 2012, throwing around 2,000 people out of work, according to CBC Friday. Since then, Cellufuel has been developing biofuel that could be used in vehicles and for heating. The plant transforms otherwise low-value wood fibre into renewable diesel…
Advanced Cellulosic Biofuel
DuPont celebrated, at the end of October, the opening of its cellulosic biofuel facility — the largest in the world — in Nevada, IA. Advanced Cellulosic Biofuels The DuPont Iowa biorefinery is the world’s largest cellulosic ethanol plant, with the capacity to produce 30 million gallons per year of clean fuel that offers a 90…