Tag: timber

  • China Wood Imports 2013

    Log and lumber imports into China rose to an all-time high in 2013, says the Japan Lumber Reports Friday, due to recovering demand and tight inventories after the government restricted credit funding in mid-2011. Import of logs into China last year was 45.2 million cubic metres, a 19.2 per cent increase over 2012. Lumber imports…

  • Labour Agreements

    Two sets of labour negotiations reached agreement this week. The BC Northern Interior Bargaining Committee (USW) and the Council on Northern Interior Forest Employment Relations (Conifer) have shook hands and reached a tentative agreement, said a United Steelworkers release Wednesday. Labour Agreements Talks resumed this week in Prince George, BC, where Conifer and the USW…

  • Skeena Mill Closed Due to Dust

    Skeena Sawmills, in Terrace, BC, was temporarily shut down late last year after a WorkSafe BC safety audit found high levels of combustible sawdust at the location, according to the Terrace Standard Monday. The stop work order, issued Dec. 19, 2013, was lifted the following day after a clean up took place. A WorkSafe BC…

  • US Farm Bill and Federal Timberland Management

    The massive US Farm Bill, long debated, finally passed the House of Representatives Thursday in Washington, DC. Counties in timber-producing states dependent on log harvest for revenue have been anxiously awaiting this news. The old farm bill expired in 2012. Its replacement is 959 pages long and will cost approximately US$956.4 billion over 10 years.…

  • 2014 Truck Logger Conference and Trade Show

    It was a rollicking time last week in downtown Vancouver, BC, for the 71st Annual Truck Logger’s Association convention and trade show. The TLA’s theme this year was “The Business of Logging – A New Era”. So it is not just for coastal operators but in the interior as well. A boisterous crowd pressed themselves…