Tag: US lumber

  • Using Madison’s Lumber Prices on SilvaStat360: Step-by-Step instructions

    Here are step-by-step instructions how to use Madison’s Lumber Prices on SilvaStat360 via Forest2Market , with screen captures of the actual tool: DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS 2-PG PDF: SS360 Madisons Tutorial Click this link to access your login https://silvastat360.forest2market.com/auth/signin?from_page=/ Click on “Madison’s Lumber Reporter” at the left on your landing page: Click on “View” at the top…

  • UK Rising Wood Imports

    British imports of sawn and planed lumber have increased in value by 33 per cent, or almost EUR 50 million in the first two months of 2014, according to the latest figures provided by Eurostat. Imports from the European Union countries, which represent more than 90 per cent of all UK softwood lumber purchases, grew…