Author: kkosman

  • Sticker Shock Restrains Buying but Lumber Prices Remain High

    The recent huge burst of buying slacked off this week as lumber futures descended from their up-limit of last week to crash down-limit Monday and trigger a stop-order on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. In the cash market, customers — still reeling from sticker-shock last week — held off on buying unless absolutely desperate for fill-in…

  • Forestry Economics Paper : Madison’s co-author

    Madison’s is very excited to announce today just this first step in the fabulous range of *new* products and information streams we have coming online in the first half of this year! Parajuli Zhang Kosman_FPE 2018 Province specific impacts of the 2006 United States-Canada Softwood Lumber Agreement: A seemingly unrelated regression approach  Based on monthly data from January…

  • Resolute Forest Products CEO Steps Down

    A dearth of truckers in Canada is hindering shipments from Resolute Forest Products’ sawmills to its paper mills, outgoing Chief Executive Officer Richard Garneau said Thursday on an earnings conference call. The Montreal-based company slowed down production in December after the shortage and harsh winter conditions led to a lack of woodchips at its mills…

  • North America’s Forest Products Industry, A Look Forward: 2018

    The US National Association of Home Builders has released full-year 2017 data for US single- and multi-family home building, and remodelling. The numbers are shaping up to show a very glowing picture indeed, of the next two years likely, for the main customers of US and Canadian solid wood construction framing dimension lumber products. NAHB…

  • Single Family Homes Are 1/3 of US Rentals

    The 2016 American Community Survey shows that renters occupied 43.8 million residences in 2016, explained the US National Association of Home Builders Tuesday. Of these rental homes, 34.8 per cent are one-unit single-family homes, 17.7 per cent are 2-4 unit structures. Therefore, more than half of all renters, approximately 53 per cent, lived in buildings…