Author: kkosman

  • North America Softwood Lumber Production, Sawmill Capacity Utilization, WWPA: MAY 2020

    Compared to one-year-ago, for the first five months of 2020 softwood lumber production in the US was almost flat, says the latest issue of the Western Wood Products Association’s monthly Lumber Track. For January to May 2020 US lumber production volume increased by just +0.7% to 14,825 mfbm compared to the first five months of…

  • Madison’s Western S-P-F Softwood Lumber Prices Aug 13: sneak preview

    Here is a SNEAK PEAK at tomorrow’s print benchmark Western Spruce-Pine-Fir (WSPF) softwood lumber prices: “Softwood lumber prices are just soaring up again with no end in sight according to all suppliers.” — Madison’s Lumber Reporter Surpassing any previous levels, the wholesaler price of benchmark construction framing dimension softwood lumber item Western Spruce-Pine-Fir KD 2×4…

  • Unceasing Demand Sends Softwood Lumber Prices Ever Higher

    North American softwood lumber manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, buyers, and end-users alike agree that this current supply-demand situation, and resulting steep price increases week-after-week, is truly unknown territory. Sawmills across Canada and the US are either running at full capacity or working to ramp-up production after the new social-distancing rules from the Covid-19 restrictions were put…

  • Madison’s Weekly Softwood Lumber Prices Snapshot:

    Key comment: “Softwood lumber prices climbed yet again as frustration and urgency among buyers reached a fever pitch.” MADISON’S SOFTWOOD LUMBER MARKET WEEKLY COMMENT Prices updated August 11, 2020 (CLICK TABLE TO ENLARGE)

  • North America Rail Traffic, Lumber: July 2020

    Canada and US Railcar Loadings The US Association of American Railroads (AAR) Wednesday reported US rail traffic for the week ending August 1, 2020, as well as volumes for July 2020. Specifically lumber & wood products were up 258 carloads, or +1.6%.Combined US carload and intermodal originations in July 2020 were 2,337,977, down -9%, or…