Author: kkosman

  • US Housing Starts & Softwood Lumber Prices: June and July 2020

    US Housing Total Starts June 2020 & Benchmark Softwood Lumber Prices July 2020 The USA purchases approximately 65% of Canada’s dimension lumber production mostly for home construction framing, while Canadian buyers account for about 10%, and those in Japan take 6%. For the week ending July 17, 2020, prices of standard construction framing dimension softwood…

  • Prices of Softwood Lumber Continue to Rise as Demand Flows East

    “It was a runaway market again last week as softwood lumber prices soared thanks to persistently limited supply.” — Madison’s Lumber Reporter For the week ending July 17, 2020, prices of standard construction framing dimension softwood lumber items increased yet further. Benchmark softwood lumber item Western S-P-F 2×4 #2&Btr KD popped higher still, up by…

  • Madison’s Weekly Softwood Lumber Prices

    “It was a runaway market again last week as prices soared thanks to persistently limited supply.” — Madison’s Lumber Reporter

  • Historically High Plywood Prices Comparison

    Canadian Softwood Plywood 9.5mm (3/8″) TORONTO Prices: 1999 compared to 2003 and 2020 Food for thought …. the historical high Plywood prices of 1999 were briefly eclipsed in 2003 due to rebuilding after the devastation of Hurricane Andrew in the US. Mid-season 2020 Plywood prices look to surpass even the boggling highs of 2003. Will…

  • North America Softwood Lumber Production, Sawmill Capacity Utilization: WWPA, APRIL 2020

    US Softwood Lumber Production Continues Improvement, Canada Lumber Production Plummets: April 2020 Compared to one-year-ago, for the first four months of 2020 softwood lumber production in the US continued improving, increasing on the rise in March, says the latest issue of the Western Wood Products Association’s monthly Lumber Track. For January to April 2020 US…