Author: kkosman

  • Lumber Reporter Archives: April 2008

    Mountain Pine Beetle – Research and Funding Progress; Canadian Softwood Lumber “Surcharge” ; Canadian Housing Starts; Pulp, Paper and Newsprint; Mountain Pine Beetle, NAFTA Speculation, Timberland Investment, Canada Wood Export Initiative, Bio Fuels, Wood Pellets Mountain Pine Beetle Mortality in Alberta While the pine beetle infestation in British Columbia can only be left to run…

  • Canada’s Forest Inventory

    On February 11, 2013 NASA launched the Landsat 8 Earth-observing satellite, and 100 days later transferred operational control to the US Geological Survey. Landsat 8 is beaming 400 photos back to Earth per day, having reached its final altitude of 438 miles (705 kilometres) in April. Enhanced Landsat 8 data have quickly found their way…

  • Canada Sawmill Production : Dec 2013

    Lumber production by Canadian sawmills decreased 14.8 per cent from November, to 4,151.3 thousand cubic metres in December, according to Statistics Canada Friday. Compared with December 2012, lumber production increased 5.8 per cent. Sawmills shipped 3,912.2 thousand cubic metres of lumber in December, down 14.7 per cent from November. Elsewhere, total Canadian wood product 2012…

  • US House Prices, Indeces

    Demand Institute, a nonprofit think tank operated by The Conference Board and Nielsen released a report, “A Tale of 2000 Cities”, Wednesday which found that, of the 50 largest US metropolitan areas where housing prices are expected to appreciate between 2012 and 2018, the top five will see rises on average of 32 per cent,…

  • Russian Timber Exports to Japan : 2013

    The arrival of Russian logs and lumber products to Japan in 2013 was calculated, according to Japan Lumber Journal Friday. The arrival of logs was 228,053 cubic metres, down by 16.4 per cent from the previous year. The arrival of spruce and fir was about the same as the previous year. However, the arrival of…