Author: kkosman

  • Western Spruce-Pine-Fir KD 2×4 #2&btr wholesaler softwood lumber price: Up another +$6 to US$382 mfbm

    Western Spruce-Pine-Fir KD 2×4 #2&btr wholesaler price this week: US$376 mfbm (net FOB #sawmill) Wholesaler price of benchmark North American #construction framing #softwood dimension #lumber item Western Spruce-Pine-Fir KD 2×4 #2&btr climbs another +1.6%, or +$6, this week: to US$382 mfbm (net FOB #sawmill), from $376 last week. #building #housing #wood

  • WTO Opens Registration to Public for Canada-US Softwood Lumber Hearing

    The WTO panel deciding “US — Countervailing Measures on Softwood Lumber from Canada” (DS533) has decided to open its second substantive meeting to public observation on 16, 17 and 18 October 2019. This live screening will take place at the WTO’s headquarters in Geneva. On 16 and 17 October 2019, the meeting with the parties is…

  • US Housing Starts Boom: August 2019

    Single family starts were up +3.4% year-over-year, and multi-family starts were up +13.7% YoY.   Much of the strength for August starts data was in the volatile multi-family sector, still – overall – this was a strong report. In what more than a few analysts are calling “the peak before the crash”, total housing starts…

  • Lumber Prices Recover Slightly as Autumn Arrives

    Sawmillers and loggers alike breathed a sigh of relief last week as North American construction framing dimension softwood lumber prices stopped falling, with several key items recovering from recent lows. Production curtailments over the 2019 building season did well to keep lumber supply tight enough for sawmills last week to push their order files into…

  • US Single-Family Building Permits: July 2019

    Over the first seven months of 2019, the total number of single-family permits issued in the US year-to-date nationwide reached 496,726. On a year-over-year basis, this is a -4.7% decline over the July 2018 level of 521,438. Year-to-date to July 2019, single-family permits reported declines in all four regions, said the US National Association of Home…