Author: kkosman

  • US Construction Spending: Sept 2020

    In keeping with unusually high softwood lumber prices for the season and a seemingly-unstoppable US real estate market, the latest US construction spending data provides further insight. Total Construction: Total US construction spending during September 2020 was estimated at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of US$1,414 billion, basically flat compared to the revised August estimate…

  • As Supply Meets Demand Softwood Lumber Prices Correct Further

    North American construction framing dimension softwood lumber prices did correct down a bit more last week, however demand remained quite strong for the time of year while supply was still quite constrained. Customers called around to sawmills and secondary suppliers, at wholesalers and reloads, in search of the wood they needed for ongoing projects. Producers…

  • US Employment Data, Construction Employment: Oct 2020

    The US unemployment rate made another sizeable drop, falling to 6.9% from 7.9% in September. US nonfarm payrolls rose by +638,000 in October compared to September, slightly ahead of market expectations, reported the US Bureau of Labor Statistics Friday. The stronger than expected job growth came as notable job gains in leisure and hospitality, professional…

  • Madison’s Softwood Lumber Prices Nov 6: sneak preview

    Here is a SNEAK PEAK at tomorrow’s print for North American construction framing softwood lumber prices: “There were some underpinnings of demand as prices dropped the past couple of weeks. Inventories have been stretched so much with little in the supply pipeline that at some point the market would get support.” — Madison’s Lumber Reporter…

  • Madison’s Monthly British Columbia Coast Log Prices: Oct 2020

    Canada Domestic Log Prices Follow Wholesale Lumber Prices Up By Significant Amounts in September 2020 After dropping a little bit in August due to a plummet in multi-family home building, privately-owned US housing starts in September were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1,415,000, the US Commerce Department said Tuesday. This is +2% above…