Author: kkosman

  • Softwood Lumber Prices Sharp Drop, However Remain High

    “What goes up must come down,” as the saying goes. Particularly when talking about markets. After holding firm for four weeks while most other species’ prices fell, the price of benchmark construction framing dimension softwood lumber item Western Spruce-Pine-Fir KD 2×4 #2&Btr fell a not unexpected -$260, or -27%, to end last week at a…

  • Softwood Lumber Prices Continue Usual Autumn Drop

    After holding firm for several weeks while almost all other North American construction framing dimension softwood lumber commodity prices drop, the price of benchmark item Western Spruce-Pine-Fir KD 2×4 #2&Btr R/L finally dropped for the week of October 23, said weekly lumber price newsletter Madison’s Lumber Reporter. For the week ending October 23, 2020 the…

  • US Housing Starts & Softwood Lumber Prices: September and October 2020

    October 21, 2020 – Vancouver, BC, Canada Madison’s Lumber Reporter After dropping a little bit in August due to a plummet in multi-family home building, privately-owned US housing starts in September were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1,415,000, the US Commerce Department said Tuesday. This is +2% above the revised August rate of…

  • Softwood Lumber Prices Drop as Autumn Arrives

    Last week producer and wholesaler dimension softwood lumber prices across North America dropped, as expected for this time of year. However, US housing starts data for September 2020 is incredibly strong, so the expectation is that — given ongoing very high demand — asking prices will not approach the low levels of 2019. It is…

  • US Home Remodelling Index: 3Q 2020

    The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) released its Remodelling Market Index (RMI) in 3Q 2020 today, posting a reading of 82, which indicates strong remodeller sentiment, as business has strengthened while home owners focus on the importance of home for work and life amidst the pandemic and its consequences. The strong finding is a…