Author: kkosman

  • Canada Housing Starts

    Canadian housing starts rose modestly in September as builders broke ground on more multiple-unit dwellings, typically condominiums, data showed on Wednesday. The report from the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp showed housing starts climbed to a seasonally adjusted annualized rate of 197,343 units last month from an upwardly revised 196,283 units in August. The homebuilding…

  • Housing Starts, Japan

    New housing starts in Japan for August dropped by 12.5 per cent compared to one year ago, to 73,771 units said Japan Lumber Reports Friday. On a seasonally adjusted basis the starts were 845,000. There was a 6.1 per cent drop in total housing starts for the first 8 months of 2014 compared to the…

  • Pinnacle Pellet Mill Fire

    Fire broke out Thursday morning — with some reports of an explosion — at the Pinnacle Renewable Energy Plant in Burns Lake, BC. Three workers were injured, one seriously. The facility was under maintenance curtailment. The company had been charged this year almost $50,000 by WorkSafeBC for repeated incidents of dust collection at the plant.…

  • Nova Scotia Forest Plan

    The government of Nova Scotia announced its forestry plan for the western Crown lands Thursday and released 10-year fibre allocations for the lands. Nearly 20,000 green metric tonnes in western Crown lands earmarked for two Pictou County mills. For the first time, allocations will be based on a percentage of available harvest rather than a…

  • Wood Pellet Association of Canada Meeting

    This year’s Wood Products Association of Canada AGM in Vancouver, BC, November 17 – 19 looks to be a very worthwhile event. An entire day’s seminars on sustainability certification and wood pellet workshop as well as a tour of the Fibre pellet handling facility in North Vancouver. Subjects covered for the rest of the event…