Author: kkosman

  • Lumber Remanufacturing

    An article this week in the Globe and Mail piqued Madison’s interest to discover the latest technologies and developments in manufacturing higher-value and value-added solid wood products. An established skateboard manufacturer in Ontario has come up with a way to work veneers to make a totally new kind of skateboard. “His innovative woodworking technique –…

  • Wildfires

    Ignited by lightning strikes on hot and tinder dry forests, more than a dozen large wildfires are raging throughout the Pacific Northwest of the United States and up into British Columbia Friday. In Oregon and Washington alone, more than 310,000 acres were ablaze as of yesterday (July 17), according to the Northwest Interagency Coordination Center.…

  • Housing Starts, US

    US home construction fell 9.3 per cent in June, a surprising sign of weakness for a sector that has struggled to maintain momentum over the past year. Housing starts sank last month to a seasonally adjusted annual pace of 893,000, the weakest showing since September 2013, the Commerce Department said Thursday. It was the second-straight…

  • Oregon Timber Harvest

    In 2013, Oregon’s timber harvest rose to 4.2 billion board feet, marking four consecutive years of increase from the recession low of 2.72 billion board feet in 2009 said the Oregon Department of Forestry Thursday. Timber harvest increases can be attributed to a strong export market for Oregon logs in 2013, coupled with a domestic…

  • West Fraser Reports

    West Fraser Timber Wednesday reported lower year-over-year earnings  in 2Q despite an increase in sales revenue. The Vancouver-based softwood lumber producer says net income in the quarter was $74 million, or 87 cents per share, compared with $109 million, or $1.27 per share, in the comparable 2013 period. Revenue rose to $1.05 million from $900…