Author: kkosman

  • US Housing Market : Jan – June 2014

    New data on US housing inventory, home prices and sales, and distressed mortgages was released this week. Mixed messages from US housing data released in June are being studied by home buyers, sellers, and industry experts. Mid-year releases issued from the National Association of Realtors, S&P/Case Shiller, Trulia, and other housing analysts show that the…

  • Sawmill Fire

    Fire broke out at Godfrey Lumber Yard in Statesville, NC, Thursday night. Local firefighters reported a large fire upon arriving at the scene, and say that several county fire departments were called in to assist with the blaze. The Sheriff’s Office says the fire reignited early Friday morning. It was an approximately 100-by-150-foot building which…

  • British Columbia New Fire Fighting Planes

    BC has a new weapon in its battle against the hundreds of wildfires that destroy large swaths of the province’s forests every summer. It’s a fleet of skimmer airtankers, an amphibious aircraft that can skim water and continue fighting a fire without having to return to base. Said superintendent of the provincial airtanker program Michael…

  • Trade Data : Canada and US

    The US trade deficit shrank 5.6 per cent to a seasonally adjusted US$44.39 billion in May from April, the Commerce Department said Thursday. Exports increased 1 per cent to US$195.46 billion, the highest level on record. Imports fell 0.3 per cent to US$239.85 billion. In Canada the May trade defecit slimmed to $152 million, from…

  • British Columbia Logs Seized

    YaoRun Wood, a Chinese log export company that has been dealing millions of dollars of wood out of Terrace, BC, has had its log piles seized for a third time in under a year due to  suspicion it is altering log marks, according to Terrace Standard Tuesday. Previous seizures took place because YaoRun had fallen…