Category: Old Site

  • Madison’s Lumber News Archives: Aug 2008

    Russian Timber Imports, Wood Chip Demand, AbitibiBowater Production Cuts, US Lumber Imports, Pope & Talbot’s Mackenzie Pulp Mill Sold, JD Irving Mill Closures, Canadian Timberland Development in China, Forestry Equipment Suppliers, TimberWest Land Sale, US Mortgage Issues Russian Timber Imports Russian Timber Imports News of the proposed Russian 80 per cent export tax on raw…

  • Lumber Reporter Archives: April 2008

    Mountain Pine Beetle – Research and Funding Progress; Canadian Softwood Lumber “Surcharge” ; Canadian Housing Starts; Pulp, Paper and Newsprint; Mountain Pine Beetle, NAFTA Speculation, Timberland Investment, Canada Wood Export Initiative, Bio Fuels, Wood Pellets Mountain Pine Beetle Mortality in Alberta While the pine beetle infestation in British Columbia can only be left to run…