Official data from China Customs released Thursday shows a sharp drop in log imports in 2015. China’s log imports in 2015 totalled 44.55 million cubic metres valued at US$8 billion, a year on year decline of 13 per cent in volume and 32 per cent in value. The average price for imported logs was US$181 per cubic metre.
China Log Imports: 2015
Of total log imports, 2015 softwood log imports fell 16 per cent to 30.06 million cubic metres, accounting for 67 per cent of the national total, said China Customs Wednesday. The average price for imported softwood logs was US$122 per cubic metre, down 20 per cent from the previous year. The rate of decline for softwood log imports was larger than that for hardwood log imports.
Hardwood log imports fell 6 per cent to 14.49 million cubic metres and made up 33 per cent of the national total. The average price for imported hardwood logs was US$303 per cubic metre, down 27 per cent.
Of total hardwood log imports, tropical log imports were 8.9 million cubic metres valued at US$2.8 billion, down 10 per cent in volume and 32 per cent in value and accounted for 20 per cent of the national total.