This year continues to be a robust one for exports of Southern Pine lumber, as the Southern Forest Products Association said in the press release received by Lesprom Network. USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service reported exports of Southern Pine to be approximately 44.3 million board feet (MMbf) for April 2014. This volume represents an increase of 26 per cent above the same month last year, and a solid year-to-date increase of 43 per cent when compared with the first four months of 2013.
Offshore shipments during April roughly break down as follows: 24.1 MMbf dressed, 9.1 MMbf rough, and 11.1 MMbf treated lumber.
Softwood lumber imports to the US during April were just over one billion board feet (Bbf), down 2 per cent from the volume imported during April of 2013. Year-to-date softwood imports are up 3 per cent when compared with last year. Canada shipped the lion’s share into the US during April.