Tag: canada export

  • Countervailing Duty Investigation of Softwood Lumber Products from Canada: C-122-858

    FROM THE US FEDERAL REGISTER ON SOFTWOOD LUMBER DISPUTE V : Countervailing Duty Investigation of Softwood Lumber Products from Canada: Company Exclusions Summary For the reasons detailed below, we have determined that the Department of Commerce (“Department”) lacks the authority to conduct the company exclusion process. Background On March 29, 201 7, a letter presenting…

  • Certain Softwood Lumber Products from Canada – BILLING CODE: 3510-DS-P

    Madison’s Lumber Reporter has obtained the Softwood Lumber Dispute V documents that were filed with the US Department of Commerce: DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration C-122-858 Barcode:3566056-01 C-122-858 INV – Investigation – Certain Softwood Lumber Products from Canada: Preliminary Affirmative Countervailing Duty Determination, and Alignment of Final Determination with Final Antidumping Duty Determination AGENCY:…

  • US Lumber and Building Sales, Imports, Log Exports: Jan – Feb 2017

    US Lumber and Other Construction Materials Trade for Jan-Feb 2017 are up 7.7% to US$42,933 million, from US$40,475 million for the first two months of last year. Full-Year 2016 US Construction Trade was US$122,384 million, up 7.7% from full-year 2015. US Lumber and Other Construction Materials Trade: Jan-Feb 2017 US Log Exports to the WORLD…

  • Softwood Dimension Construction Framing Lumber Prices….a long term retrospective

    Regular weekly sources for Madison’s Lumber Reporter say the price of North American softwood lumber is getting worked out in the marketplace right now. FOR EXAMPLE (from a large stocking softwood lumber wholesaler on the US eastern seaboard, morning of Wed, Apr 26): Most of the Canadian mills stayed away from the market yesterday. They…

  • North American Dimension Softwood Lumber Market Update: April 2017

    This week, Canadian forest products operators were put out of some of their uncertainty and found out preliminary trade actions on softwood lumber by the US. Final determinations will be at the end of November 2017, for both countervailing (CVD) and anti-dumping (AD) duties. Please see https://madisonsreport.com/us-softwood-lumber-duty-announcement-apr-24-2017-20-per-cent/ for details on the latest duty announcement April…