Tag: canada us lumber trade

  • More Softwood Lumber Agreement Conversation

    Liberal MP for Cumberland-Colchester,NS, Bill Casey, raised the issue of a softwood lumber agreement in the House of Commons Tuesday, according to Cumberland News Now Wednesday. Said Casey. “The softwood lumber industry in Atlantic Canada is different from the industry in the rest of Canada, and it’s essentially the same as the industry in New…

  • NAHB Analysis: Potential Softwood Lumber Duty Impact

    “Even Modest Cap on Canadian Lumber Threatens 8,900 U.S. Jobs” “15% Tariff on Canadian Lumber Would Cost 4,666 U.S. Jobs” Tariff on Canadian Lumber Would Cost US Jobs National Association of Home Builders LINK Recent NAHB estimates show that a 15 per cent tariff on softwood lumber imported from Canada would have resulted in a…

  • Canada/US Softwood Lumber Negotiation Update

    Last week when speaking about the softwood lumber negotiations between Canada and the US with Vaughn Palmer at the Vancouver Sun, British Columbia Premier Christy Clark said, “But we just haven’t seen enough movement from the American side of the table.” Madison’s confirmed this update with insiders to the talks: “Both sides have exchanged proposals…

  • Canada/US Softwood Lumber Negotiation Update

    Last week when speaking about the softwood lumber negotiations between Canada and the US with Vaughn Palmer at the Vancouver Sun, British Columbia Premier Christy Clark said, “But we just haven’t seen enough movement from the American side of the table.” Madison’s confirmed this update with insiders to the talks: “Both sides have exchanged proposals…

  • Canadian Forest Companies Urge House of Commons

    Once again Canadian lumber producers have pressed the federal government on the urgency of moving forward on the softwood lumber trade file, this time appearing before the House of Commons Standing Committee on International Trade in Ottawa Wednesday to voice their support for the Canadian Government’s continued efforts to reach a new softwood lumber agreement…