Tag: canfor

  • Lumber News Archives: May 2010

    China Trade ; Madison’s Timber Preview ; US Housing Starts ; West Fraser’s Hinton, AB, Pulp Mill Funding ; PwC Forestry and Paper Conference ; Softwood Export Tax ; WSCA Call Out ; Alberta Wildfire ; Japan Housing Starts ; North American Economic Data ; Canfor Restarts Ontario Forest Tenure Reform ; Madison’s Timber Preview…

  • Lumber News Archives: Mar 2010

    US Infrastructure Spending ; US Housing Starts ; UBC Aiming to Buy Western Forest Products Land ; Japan’s Log Use ;Chilean Radiata Pine ; Madison’s Timber Preview ; Japan Housing Starts ; January Housing Starts, Canada ; Steelworkers Ratify Canfor Deal ; Merritt Pellet Mill Grand OpeningTaller Wood Framed Buildings ; Madison’s Live Online Lumber…

  • Lumber News Archives: Dec 2009

    Politics and the Forest Industry ; Madison’s Holiday Break ; US Housing and Real Estate ; Chetwynd Sawmill and Pulp Mill Restarts ; Wood Products 2010 ; Weyerhaeuser Converts ;Ainsworth’s Non-Core Sale Forestry Fourth Quarter Forecast ; Madison’s Mill Watch ; Canadian Housing Starts ; Japan Housing Starts ; Canadian Trade Figures ; Labour Progress…

  • Canfor Reports

    Canfor Corp, out of Vancouver, BC, Wednesday posted a higher 4Q 2013 profit, boosted by strong lumber prices and an increase in pulp production and shipments. The company said it expects lumber consumption to continue to rise in 2014 due to US demand and offshore markets. Netincome attributable to shareholders rose 31 per cent to…