Tag: construction

  • Softwood Lumber Sales Explode on More Major Sawmill Curtailments

    After inexplicably wallowing in the doldrums for 2019 so far, North America wholesaler softwood dimension lumber prices reversed spectacularly last week. US housing starts for May, released Tuesday morning, were relatively stable compared to April. Potentially helpful to players seeking understanding of current market conditions, prices quoted for the July contract of softwood lumber futures…

  • Madison’s Lumber Reporter Weekly Prices Snippet:

    WSPF KD #2&Btr 2×4 price leaps 20% to US$376 mfbm

  • WSPF KD #2&Btr 2×4 price leaps 20% to US$376 mfbm

    Several benchmark North American construction framing softwood lumber prices rebound spectacularly … Key Comment : Sales of Western Spruce-Pine-Fir exploded following a Canfor announcement of sweeping curtailments across many multiple production facilities. https://madisonsreport.com/lumber-prices/ Madison’s Lumber Prices Weekly Market Commentary Snippet Western SPF: USA Recrudesce Following Canfor’s major curtailment announcement Monday, sales of Western Spruce-Pine-Fir “exploded”…

  • US Home Values 1Q 2019: Record-Highs

    The value of all US owner-occupied homes increased to a record US$26.1 trillion in 1Q 2019, according to a Federal Reserve report  known as the Flow of Funds, released Thursday. That was a gain of +4.3% from a year earlier, the slowest annualized increase since 2012. The collective value of US homes is now +15% higher than…

  • CoreLogic US Homeowner Equity Insights: 1Q 2019

    According to CoreLogic’s US Home Equity Report, released Monday, only about 4.1% of homeowners with mortgaged properties, which represent about 63% of all US homes, were underwater as of the end of 1Q 2019. In 1Q 2019, the total number of US mortgaged residential properties with negative equity decreased -1% from 4Q 2018 to 2.2 million…