Tag: export development Canada

  • US Commerce Dept Final Determination: Softwood Lumber Duties, Nov 2017

    https://www.commerce.gov/…/softwood_lumber_canada_ad_cvd_fi… The next step is the International Trade Commission (ITC) Final Determination in later December. Some of the duty rates may be adjusted. Canadian operators will be required to pay duties on softwood lumber shipments to the US at the beginning of January 2018. This announcement also says that ‘critical circumstances’ exist on the anti-dumping…

  • Quebec and Ontario Lumber Headed to Storm-Hit Areas

      A cargo ship departed Baie-Comeau, QC, on Sunday to deliver supplies to Puerto Rico, ravaged by the passing of Hurricane Maria, according to CBC Monday. Most of the US terri- tory’s 3.4 million residents remain without power and are struggling to find clean water and fuel. Resolute Forest Products said an employee at its…

  • Japan Wood Imports from North America: 1H 2017

    Japan imports of North American logs for the first half of 2017 dropped 8.5 per cent compared to the same time the previous year, to 1.37 million cubic metres, while that of lumber increased 2.4 per cent, to 1.1 million cubic metres, said Japan Lumber Reports August 25. The decrease in log imports is due…

  • Softwood Lumber, Storms, and NAFTA

    News out late in the afternoon Thursday suggests that some Canadian negotiators are considering trying to add softwood lumber in the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA. According to Global News, Canada’s ambassador to the US, David MacNaughton, expressed frustration at the US industry using what is effectively its veto power to block any…

  • Perceived and Otherwise Elusive ‘gap period’ on Canadian Softwood Lumber Imports to the US

     Below are details of the perceived and otherwise elusive ‘gap period’ on Canadian softwood lumber imports to the US. After the looming Dept of Commerce announcement, the next important date will be in late October, with the US International Trade Commission makes its Final Determination of the DoC Final Determination. UPDATE FROM MIKE JONES MONDAY:…