Tag: japan economy

  • Housing Starts, Japan: May 2015

    Total housing starts in Japan for May were 71,720 unit, 5.8 per cent more than May last year, according to the Japan Lumber Reports Friday. On a seasonally adjusted basis Japan housing starts in May were 911,000 units, 0.2 per cent less than April. Japan Housing Starts Japan housing starts for the first five months…

  • Japan Housing Starts: April 2015

    Total housing starts in Japan for April were 75,716 units, flat compared to one year ago, said the Japan Lumber Reports Friday. On a seasonally-adjusted basis starts were 913,000 units. Units built for owners were down 2.1 per cent compared to April last year, while those built for sale were up 7.2 per cent. New…

  • Japan Domestic Lumber Prices Dropping

    Domestic log cutting sawmills in Japan have suffered low lumber prices for more than a year, according to Japan Lumber Reports Friday. “Some sawmills are trying to cash in their lumber inventories even with lower log prices which continue dropping,” said the Reports. “Some regions in Japan are reviving sawmills after log prices plunged since…

  • Japan Housing Starts: March 2015

    Japan’s housing starts in March were 69,887 units (up 0.7 per cent from the same month in the previous year), surpassing the previous year’s results for the first time in 13 months. The seasonally-adjusted annual rate was 920,000 units (up 1.7 per cent from the previous month), said Japan Lumber Journal and Japan Lumber Reports,…

  • February Housing Starts, Japan

    Total housing units built in Japan for February were 67,552, a 3.1 per cent drop compared to February last year, according to the Japan Lumber Reports Friday. On a seasonally adjusted basis, annual starts were 905,000 units, a 4.7 per cent increase over February 2014. Japan Housing Starts The pace of new owner’s units built…