Tag: lumber company

  • Sawmills Invest, Buy, Expand

    Atlanta, GA’s, BMC Stock Holdings will acquire the business of W.E. Shone, the leading supplier of building materials in Delaware, said the company in a press release Wednesday. Tolko Industries, out of Vernon, BC, announced also Wednesday it has partnered with Louisiana-based Hunt Forest Products to build a state-of-the-art sawmill near Urania, LA. Elsewhere, Alabama’s…

  • Canada Lumber Exports, Not to USA

    The China section of Canada Wood Group wrote February 6 that from January to November 2017 China’s forestry fixed asset investment totalled RMB 204.1 billion (C$40.13 billion), representing +3.2 per cent growth year-on-year. During the same period wood volumes imported via Taicang Port equalled 10.29 million cubic metres, which is equal to a +27.18 per…

  • Canada Sawmills: November 2017

    Lumber production at Canadian sawmills fell -1 per cent from October, with sawmills producing 5,929 thousand cubic metres of lumber in November, said Statistics Canada February 8. Production was -1.5 per cent lower than in November 2016. Sawmills shipped 5,656 thousand cubic metres of lumber in November, down -3.9 per cent from October and -4.8…

  • Sticker Shock Restrains Buying but Lumber Prices Remain High

    The recent huge burst of buying slacked off this week as lumber futures descended from their up-limit of last week to crash down-limit Monday and trigger a stop-order on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. In the cash market, customers — still reeling from sticker-shock last week — held off on buying unless absolutely desperate for fill-in…

  • Forestry Economics Paper : Madison’s co-author

    Madison’s is very excited to announce today just this first step in the fabulous range of *new* products and information streams we have coming online in the first half of this year! Parajuli Zhang Kosman_FPE 2018 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1389934117303209 Province specific impacts of the 2006 United States-Canada Softwood Lumber Agreement: A seemingly unrelated regression approach  Based on monthly data from January…