• Lumber Prices Flatten as Construction Season Closes

    After a minor boost in recent weeks, North American construction framing dimension softwood lumber prices once again began their usual annual seasonal drop. Customers, whether retailers or end-users, continued to make purchases for immediate needs only, keeping their inventories quite lean indeed. For their part, sawmills kept production volumes tight to stay in line with…

  • Madison’s Lumber Prices Index October 27, 2023: US$402 mfbm

    The Madison’s Lumber Prices Index for the week ending October 27, 2023 is: US$402 mfbm The Madison’s Lumber Prices Index for the week ending October 27, 2023 is: US$402 mfbm This is flat from the previous week when it was US$402. For information regarding the construction of this Index (species mix, weighed averages) please go…

  • US Housing Market September & Softwood Lumber Prices October: 2023

    US homebuilding bounced back in September 2023, after dropping in August to the lowest levels since 2020 as mortgage rates climbed. Despite elevated mortgage rates averaging above 7%, single-family starts posted a gain in September, according to the National Association of Home Builders, which says more buyers are turning to new homes because of a dearth of…

  • Madison’s Lumber Prices Index October 20, 2023: US$402 mfbm

    The Madison’s Lumber Prices Index for the week ending october 20, 2023 is: US$402 mfbm The Madison’s Lumber Prices Index for the week ending October 20, 2023 is: US$402 mfbm This is down by -2%, or -$9, from the previous week when it was US$411. For information regarding the construction of this Index (species mix,…

  • Lumber Prices Trendline Normalizes

    After three years of extreme volatility and many unknowns, North American construction framing dimension softwood lumber price trendlines started to normalize during 2023. This means that next year it will be less difficult to judge what is going with sales and prices, thus industry will be better able to plan. This stability will surely be…