• Madison’s Brand-New BC Coastal Log Prices: 2008 – March 2018

    Your weekly North American softwood lumber and panel price guide, Madison’s Lumber Reporter, is delighted to announce a brand-new data set to help keep the Canadian and US forest products industry informed and up-to-date on the latest data and market information. British Columbia Coastal Log Prices, Monthly: 2013 to March 2018 https://madisonsreport.com/2018/04/05/madisons-announces-bc-coastal-log-prices-monthly/ The information tool…

  • Softwood Lumber Cash Prices Remain High, Supported by Big Increases in Futures

    Last week provided some of the lumber price answers many have been seeking for the past few weeks. That significant players had expected prices to soften by now was immaterial as trading of softwood lumber futures on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange crested up-limit twice this week, to close Thursday at US$536. The latest data out…

  • Forest Resources Association

    Forest Resources Association https://forestresources.org FRA Western Region Spring Meeting Tuesday, May 15, 2018 8:00 am – Thursday, May 17, 2018 5:00 pm

  • Madison’s Announces . . . BC Coastal Log Prices: Monthly

    The information tool for your forest management and investment planning decisions. Our *new* monthly log price report is tailored to provide you with vital data about prices of various species and grades of British Columbia coastal logs, for Canadian and international markets, at your fingertips in a timely manner. Order our PRE-PUBLICATION sale and be…

  • Short Week In Canada Kept Pressure Up for Higher Lumber Prices

    A persistent lack of stable supply together with ongoing hot demand served to keep western Canadian dimension framing softwood lumber prices high, even as many other species/regions experienced price drops this week. In support of the WSPF R/L price resistance to softening was erratic straight lengths (or specified lengths) prices, most sizes of which flew…