Tag: quebec lumber federation

  • More Softwood Lumber Talks Transparency Urged

     This week Eacom Timber again went on public record requesting more progress, and updates, on the important Canada-US Softwood Lumber trade issue. “The American market is critical for us … the majority of our shipments are destined to the US,” said Christine Leduc, EACOM’s director of public affairs to Timmins Press Monday. “If you’re (a…

  • Canada-US Softwood Lumber Unofficial Update

    The Government of Canada Friday released a statement regarding ongoing negotiations for a bilateral Softwood Lumber Agreement with the US: http://news.gc.ca/web/article-en.do?nid=1086569 “Following this initial 100 days of intensive engagement, the United States and Canada have made significant advances in exploring the key issues and priorities,” but no other word on what these advances might be,…

  • Canada-US Softwood Lumber Unofficial Update

    The Government of Canada Friday released a statement regarding ongoing negotiations for a bilateral Softwood Lumber Agreement with the US: http://news.gc.ca/web/article-en.do?nid=1086569 “Following this initial 100 days of intensive engagement, the United States and Canada have made significant advances in exploring the key issues and priorities,” but no other word on what these advances might be,…

  • Impacts of the 2006 United States-Canada Softwood Lumber Agreement – NRC Research Press

    A major new study out of Auburn University published this week by the NRC Research Press demonstrates some fascinating analysis of the economic impact of the 2006 Canada-US Softwood Lumber Agreement on the American consumer: Welfare Impacts of the 2006 United States-Canada Softwood Lumber Agreement Rajan Parajuli, Daowei Zhang Published on the web 24 May…

  • Impacts of the 2006 United States-Canada Softwood Lumber Agreement – NRC Research Press

    A major new study out of Auburn University published this week by the NRC Research Press demonstrates some fascinating analysis of the economic impact of the 2006 Canada-US Softwood Lumber Agreement on the American consumer: Welfare Impacts of the 2006 United States-Canada Softwood Lumber Agreement Rajan Parajuli, Daowei Zhang Published on the web 24 May 2016.…