North American Sawmill Capacity Utilization, Lumber Production: Sept 2018
US #softwood #lumber production dropped remarkably from last month, shrinking by -15 per cent in September compared to the month prior and dropping -1.1 per cent from August 2017, according to statistics from the Western Wood Products Association’s Lumber Track, released Wednesday. US lumber production totalled 2,724 million board feet (MMBF) in September compared to…
US Building Materials Prices Lower: Nov 2018
Softwood lumber prices fell -3% in November the second consecutive decrease for the index to the latest US Producer Price Index (PPI) released by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics Tuesday, said the US National Association of Home Builders. The producer price index for softwood lumber has fallen -23.6% (not seasonally adjusted) since setting cycle…
Current Softwood Lumber Prices Compared to Recent and Historical Highs: Dec 2018
Trading of US and Canadian softwood lumber last week continued it’s usual annual slide to seasonal holiday sawmill closures and curtailments. The price of benchmark Western Spruce-Pine-Fir KD 2×4 #2&Btr construction framing dimension lumber commodity stayed level with the previous week, as did many other standard North American homebuilding wood materials. Friday’s print in Madison’s…
British Columbia Current Forestry Trade Mission Visit to China Abruptly Cancelled
In very surprising news Sunday, the currently ongoing British Columbia trade mission to Asia — attended by the BC Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development as well as forestry company executives — was abruptly cancelled. The trip is expected to be rescheduled. The delegation led by BC Forestry Minister Doug Donaldson…
Conifex Cuts Production: Fort St. James, BC, Sawmill
Another unfortunate addition to the list of permanent and temporary softwood lumber manufacturing sawmills in British Columbia, due to difficulties sourcing logs for timber processing, Tuesday Conifex, out of Vancouver, BC, announced another of it’s sawmills will be closing. Conifex’ Fort St. James, BC, sawmill will be temporarily reducing its production from January 1, 2019,…