Tag: Softwood Lumber Prices

  • Canada Tariff on US Gypsum Imports

    A new trade dispute has broken out between Canada and the US that threatens to raise prices in Canada’s already overheated housing markets, said the Globe and Mail Thursday. The Canada Border Services Agency imposed a provisional tariff as high as 277 per cent on US drywall imports in September after ruling that manufacturers were…

  • US Petitions for AD and CVD Investigations of Imports of Softwood Lumber Products from Canada

    FACT SHEET Committee Overseeing Action for Lumber International Trade Investigations or Negotiations (“COALITION”) Files Petitions for Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Investigations of Imports of Softwood Lumber Products from Canada On November 25, 2016, the COALITION initiated legal action seeking enforcement of existing U.S. trade laws to offset the harmful effects of imports of Softwood Lumber…

  • U.S. Lumber Industry Petitions for Relief From Canadian Subsidies, Dumping

    Subject: Press Release — U.S. Lumber Industry Petitions for Relief From Canadian Subsidies, Dumping FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Zoltan van Heyningen | zoltan@uslumbercoalition.org | 703‐597‐8651 WASHINGTON, DC (November 25, 2016) – The Committee Overseeing Action for Lumber International Trade Investigations or Negotiations (COALITION) today petitioned the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. International Trade…

  • Canada Tariff on US Gypsum Imports

    First lumber, now drywall in Canada-U.S. trade tensions “ Canada imported about $277-million worth of lime and gypsum products last year, about 97 per cent of it from U.S. manufacturers, according to Statistics Canada.” “ No company in Canada can compete against U.S. products dumped at such a low price levels,“ Matt Walker, general manager…

  • Canada Sawmill Exports, Manufacturing Sales: September 2016

    The pace of Canadian manufacturing sales slowed in September, while volumes fell, data from Statistics Canada showed on Wednesday. The 0.3 per cent increase in sales was a step down from August’s hefty 0.9 per cent increase. It was also driven largely by gains in the transportation equipment sector. Although sales were up in 12…