Tag: softwood lumber

  • REO Inventory, US: 2Q 2016

    Freddie Mac reported this week the amount of Real Estate Owned s (REO) inventory declined to 13,284 at the end of 2Q 2106 compared to 19,484 at the end of Q2 2015. For Freddie, this is down 82 per cent from the 74,897 peak number of REOs in 3Q 2010. For Freddie, this is the…

  • US Private Residential Construction Spending: June 2016

    The National Association of Home Builders analysis of Census Construction Spending data released Monday shows that total private residential construction spending for June registered a seasonally adjusted rate of US$445.8 billion, virtually unchanged from the May downwardly revised estimate. Private nonresidential construction spending fell for a third consecutive month in June, down by 1.3 per…

  • US New Home Sales, June 2016

    The US Census Bureau and Department of Housing and Urban Development in a joint release Tuesday reported that newly constructed single family homes sold at a seasonally adjusted annual pace of 592 thousand in June and revised May sales up to 572 thousand. This pace represents steady progress from housing bust lows below 300 thousand…

  • US New Home Sales, June 2016

    The US Census Bureau and Department of Housing and Urban Development in a joint release Tuesday reported that newly constructed single family homes sold at a seasonally adjusted annual pace of 592 thousand in June and revised May sales up to 572 thousand. This pace represents steady progress from housing bust lows below 300 thousand…

  • US Home Ownership Rate, Price-to-Rent Ratio

    According to Census Bureau’s Housing Vacancy Survey, the US homeownership rate dropped to 62.9 per cent in 2Q 2016, according to Eye on Housing Tuesday. Elsewhere, on a price-to-rent basis, the Case-Shiller National index is back to July 2003 levels, the Composite 20 index is back to June 2003 levels, and the Core– Logic index…