Tag: timberland assessment

  • BC Economic State of the Forest Sector 2015

    This October the Competitiveness and Innovation Branch of the BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource operations has released the 2014 Economic State of the B.C. Forest Sector report. Prices and Costs – North America’s housing market improved in 2014, but housing starts were still low compared to the early/mid 2000’s. Average SPF 2×4…

  • EU Aid to Combat Ilegal Timber Deemed “Ineffective”

    The EU aid programme, called Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT), covered 35 countries, including Indonesia, Brazil, Honduras, Cameroon, and Liberia. According to the auditors, “the limited financial and technical support has been spread over a large number of countries, some of which were not the key ones for tackling illegal logging”. “This diluted…

  • Madison’s Forest Pulse 3Q 2015: Coming Soon

     MADISON’S FOREST PULSE 3Q 2015: IN PRODUCTION Order yours now! Don’t miss out on this vital knowledge and insight. Only C$250 per quarter, delivered to your desk as soon as the various data comes out! The information tool for your forest management and investment Our quarterly product is tailored to provide you with essential information…

  • Madison’s Forest Pulse 3Q 2015: Coming Soon

     MADISON’S FOREST PULSE 3Q 2015: IN PRODUCTION Order yours now! Don’t miss out on this vital knowledge and insight. Only C$250 per quarter, delivered to your desk as soon as the various data comes out! The information tool for your forest management and investment Our quarterly product is tailored to provide you with essential information…

  • Who Will Own the Forest? 11

    The important annual timberland investment conference was again held at the World Forestry Centre in Portland, OR, this week. As always there were many informative presentations and updates. Timberland Conference 2015, Portland, OR This week we present a few graphs and charts as indication of deeper coverage of the 11th annual Who Will Own the…