Russian Group Increases Timber Cut
In the first half year north Russian Sawmill 25 Group increased roundwood cutting at its three sawmill locations by 7 per cent to 558,000 cubic metres, according to EUWID Thursday. Lumber production, in the process of which 168,600 cubic metres, or 10 per cent, more wood chips were produced, was 6 per cent above last…
Wei Wai Kum First Nation Signs 25-year BC Timber Deal
The British Columbia government announced August 7 a 25-year timber licence agreement with a First Nation on Vancouver Island, which allows the Wei Wai Kum First Nation to harvest almost 9,900 cubic metres of timber a year from its traditional territory around Campbell River, BC. The deal covers a 2,400-hectare parcel of Crown land near…
Madison’s Forest Pulse 2Q 2015: NOW SELLING
MADISON’S FOREST PULSE 2Q 2015: NOW SELLING Order yours now! Don’t miss out on this vital knowledge and insight. Only C$250 per quarter, delivered to your desk as soon as the various data comes out! The information tool for your forest management and investment Our quarterly product is tailored to provide you with essential information…
Madison’s Forest Pulse 2Q 2015: NOW SELLING
MADISON’S FOREST PULSE 2Q 2015: NOW SELLING Order yours now! Don’t miss out on this vital knowledge and insight. Only C$250 per quarter, delivered to your desk as soon as the various data comes out! The information tool for your forest management and investment Our quarterly product is tailored to provide you with essential information…
Madison’s Forest Pulse 2Q 2015: PREVIEW RELEASE
MADISON’S FOREST PULSE 2Q 2015 The information tool for your forest management and investment Our quarterly product is tailored to provide you with vital information about the North American solid wood, pulp, and paper industry at your fingertips in a timely manner. CLICK BELOW TO DOWNLOAD! ForestPulsePreview.pdf FOREST PULSE TESTIMONIAL: Michael Low | Director &…