Tag: trade deal

  • Canada Softwood Lumber WTO Case

    Even in advance of the final US International Trade Commission determination, Canada’s Foreign Trade Ministry formally requested World Trade Organization (WTO) consultations with the United States concerning the US Department of Commerce’s recent final softwood lumber anti-dumping and countervailing duty determinations on imports of certain products from Canada, said Woodworking.net November 27. Canada that Tuesday…

  • Year-End for North America’s Lumber Industry Arrives with a Bang

    As sawmills across Canada and the US start to make their usual year-end curtailment and maintenance upgrade plans, producers look forward to a New Year 2018 as busy as it was this year. These current high lumber prices have everyone boggling their minds, but it’s likely there will be some shocks coming at the start…

  • US Dept of Commerce Final Determination Softwood Lumber Duty Published Tomorrow — Nov 8, 2017

    Published on today’s edition (11/07) of the Federal Register is a notice that the United States Department Of Commerce’s Final Softwood Lumber Anti-Dumping / Countervailing Duty Determination is expected to be published tomorrow – November 8, 2017.

  • North America Forest Products Movement Update: August 2017

    The latest data, some released just Wednesday by Statistics Canada, show a glowing picture of improving conditions for North America’s forest products industry. Most of the data encompasses January to August 2017, providing solid information on the economic state of Canadian and US log and lumber products and their movement so far this year. Headline…

  • US Commerce Dept Final Duty Determination: Softwood Lumber

    The US Commerce Department issued Thursday it’s Final Determination of both Countervailing and Anti-Dumping duties on Canadian softwood lumber imports to the US. The North American forest products industry now waits for the last of these bureaucratic announcements, which were triggered in November 2016 when the US first launched the softwood lumber trade claim. In…