Tag: trade deal

  • Softwood Lumber CVD Gap Window *Use With Caution*

    Much fuss was made this week among operators subject to the  Canadian Softwood Lumber AD/CVD Case CVD GAP period. The issue requiring further clarification has to do with the ability of the U.S. Customs Broker to delay filing of a shipment’s “Entry Summary” for ten business days from the time the shipment is “Arrived” at…

  • Canada-US Softwood Lumber Trade: Further Updates

    Fast on the heals of British Columbia’s new NDP Premier John Horgan’s assertion last week that Canada and the US were “close” to a new softwood lumber trade deal, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Tuesday he was “very hopeful” of getting a deal with the United States on softwood lumber, which has become…

  • Canada-US Softwood Lumber Trade: Further Updates

    Fast on the heals of British Columbia’s new NDP Premier John Horgan’s assertion last week that Canada and the US were “close” to a new softwood lumber trade deal, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Tuesday he was “very hopeful” of getting a deal with the United States on softwood lumber, which has become…

  • Softwood Lumber Trade Update

    British Columbia’s new NDP Premier John Horgan said Thursday after talks with Trump administration officials he was hopeful a dispute between Canada and the United States over softwood lumber could be resolved before NAFTA talks begin in mid-August, according to Reuters. Horgan told Reuters he saw no reason why the dispute should be part of…

  • British Columbia Lumber Exports: May 2017

    Paul Ferley, assistant chief economist of the Royal Bank of Canada said at a briefing on the outlook for the US and Canadian economies and the impact of China, July 20 in Markham, ON. The top Canadian exports to China are resource-based goods such as pulp, paper and paperboard, seeds and beans, wood and wood…