Tag: trade deal

  • China Log Imports

    China imported record-high volumes of softwood lumber in 2016 and softwood log imports reached their second highest level on record, according to Wood Resource Quarterly (WRQ) Tuesday. Despite relatively pessimistic forecasts for wood demand early in 2016, China’s need for imported wood picked up during the summer and autumn with import volumes of both logs…

  • Canada – US Softwood Trade Update

    Quebec-based Resolute Forest Products CEO Richard Garneau said to the Globe and Mail Thursday he is confident he can demonstrate to American authorities this month that the region deserves free and unencumbered access to the US market. The forestry sectors of Ontario and Quebec are modelled after the market-based systems in the US, and that…

  • Canada Softwood Lumber CVD and AD Possible Retroactive Dates

    Clarification this week on the latest US Commerce Dept announcement from intrepid US customs broker Mike Jones: CVD Preliminary Determination Postponed – CVD Retroactive Date Jan. 24, 2017 – ADD Feb 3, 2017 “[…] the Commerce’s attached January 27th (just last Friday) announcement postponing their Countervailing Duty Preliminary Determination until April 24th, we can now…

  • India Softwood Lumber Use: 2016

    At the annual Truck Logger AGM last week in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Premier Christy Clark spoke about the largest ever shipment of British Columbia wood having just been sent over to India. As well, BC announced first major commercial wood demonstration project in India. Coming up in March is the annual DelhiWood woodworking show,…

  • CVD Preliminary Determination Postponed – CVD Retroactive Date Jan.24, 2017 – ADD Feb 3, 2017

    SOFTWOOD LUMBER DUTIES UPDATE: CANADA – US TRADE CVD date: captured materials imported into the U.S. on or after January 24, 2017 AD date: captured materials imported into the U.S. on or after February 3, 2017 CVD amount: tba CVD Preliminary Determination until April 24th AD amount: tba ADD Preliminary Determination date is presently scheduled…