Tag: transportation

  • Canada Railway Car Loadings: May 2016

    The volume of rail freight carried in Canada totalled 27.7 million tonnes in May, an 8.2 per cent drop last year, said StatsCan Wednesday. The volume of rail freight carried in Canada totalled 27.7 million tonnes in May, an 8.2 per cent decrease from the same month last year, said Statistics Canada Wednesday. In contrast,…

  • Canada Railway Car Loadings: May 2016

    The volume of rail freight carried in Canada totalled 27.7 million tonnes in May, an 8.2 per cent drop last year, said StatsCan Wednesday. In contrast, from May 2011 to May 2016, the total volume of rail freight carried in Canada increased 5.4 per cent. Canada Rail Car Loadings In May, freight originating in Canada…

  • North America Rail Traffic: July 2016

    The Association of American Railroads reported Thursday that US rail traffic for the week ending July 16, 2016, totalled 520,222 carloads and intermodal units, a 5.6 per cent decrease compared to the same week in 2015. North American Rail Traffic Update: July 2016 US railroads’ traffic slump continued for the week ending July 16. Total…

  • US Weekly Rail Traffic

    For this week, total US weekly rail traffic was 455,346 carloads and intermodal units, down 17.3 per cent compared with the same week last year, said the Association of American Railroads Wednesday. Total carloads for the week ending June 4 were 224,258 carloads, down 16.6 per cent compared with the same week in 2015, while…

  • Canada, US Railways Report: 1Q 2016

    Canadian Pacific Railway, out of Calgary, AB, Wednesday reported 1Q 2016 earnings of $540 million, or $3.51 per diluted share, up from a pro t of $320 million, or $1.92 per diluted share a year ago. Railways Quarterly Results Canadian Pacific also reported that its operating ratio, which tracks operating expenses as a percentage of…