Tag: us commerce

  • Impacts of the 2006 United States-Canada Softwood Lumber Agreement – NRC Research Press

    A major new study out of Auburn University published this week by the NRC Research Press demonstrates some fascinating analysis of the economic impact of the 2006 Canada-US Softwood Lumber Agreement on the American consumer: Welfare Impacts of the 2006 United States-Canada Softwood Lumber Agreement Rajan Parajuli, Daowei Zhang Published on the web 24 May…

  • Impacts of the 2006 United States-Canada Softwood Lumber Agreement – NRC Research Press

    A major new study out of Auburn University published this week by the NRC Research Press demonstrates some fascinating analysis of the economic impact of the 2006 Canada-US Softwood Lumber Agreement on the American consumer: Welfare Impacts of the 2006 United States-Canada Softwood Lumber Agreement Rajan Parajuli, Daowei Zhang Published on the web 24 May 2016.…

  • More Softwood Lumber Agreement Conversation

    Liberal MP for Cumberland-Colchester,NS, Bill Casey, raised the issue of a softwood lumber agreement in the House of Commons Tuesday, according to Cumberland News Now Wednesday. Said Casey. “The softwood lumber industry in Atlantic Canada is different from the industry in the rest of Canada, and it’s essentially the same as the industry in New…

  • NAHB Analysis: Potential Softwood Lumber Duty Impact

    “Even Modest Cap on Canadian Lumber Threatens 8,900 U.S. Jobs” “15% Tariff on Canadian Lumber Would Cost 4,666 U.S. Jobs” Tariff on Canadian Lumber Would Cost US Jobs National Association of Home Builders LINK Recent NAHB estimates show that a 15 per cent tariff on softwood lumber imported from Canada would have resulted in a…

  • Chicago Fed National Activity Index: April 2016

    Led by improvements in production-related indicators, the Chicago Fed National Activity Index, released Thursday, rose to +0.10 in April from –0.55 in March. This index is a weighted average of 85 indicators of national economic activity drawn from four broad categories of data. Led improvements in production-related indicators, the Chicago Fed National Activity Index (CFNAI)…