Tag: US home sales

  • NAFTA Chapter 19 Panel on U.S. Countervailing Duties on Canadian Softwood Lumber

    Ruling May 6, 2024: U.S. Department of Commerce to correct errors in its setting of countervailing duties on Canadian softwood lumber “The Panel orders Commerce to make a determination on remand consistent with the findings and instructions of this opinion. The remand determination shall be made within 90 days.” https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/farming-natural-resources-and-industry/forestry/softwood-lumber/nafta_panel_decision_cvd_investigation_appeal_may_6_2024.pdf

  • Buyer Reluctance Keeps Lumber Prices Lower

    In what is normally the beginning of true building season across North America, the end of April this year did not bring the usual high volumes of lumber sales. Indeed, while recent lower prices did encourage customers to increase purchasing somewhat, actual sales volumes remained below the seasonal norm. Participants in the forest products industry…

  • Madison’s Lumber Prices Index May 03, 2024: US$417 mfbm

    The Madison’s Lumber Prices Index for the week ending may 03, 2024 is: US$417 mfbm The Madison’s Lumber Prices Index for the week ending May 03, 2024 is: US$417 mfbmThis is down by -4%, or -$16, from the previous week when it was US$433. For information regarding the construction of this Index (species mix, weighed…

  • Lumber Market Update: April End 2024 [video]

    Gain deep understanding of the market dynamics between the three main 2×4 construction framing dimension softwood lumber prices produced and sold across North America: WSPF, ESPF, and SYP East Side. Check back with the Madison’s website www.madisonsreport.com often for the latest developments and updates. In the week ending April 26, 2024, the price of Western…

  • Low Sales Volumes Bring Drop in Lumber Prices

    In yet another departure to what would historically be considered “normal” seasonal trend cycle, lumber prices dropped — by quite a bit — in the middle of April 2024. Producers especially had done what they could to keep prices up, specifically by keeping manufacturing volumes lower in the face of this ongoing soft demand. However,…