Tag: UShousing

  • North America Softwood Lumber Production, Sawmill Capacity Utilization, WWPA: April 2019

    The latest issue of the Western Wood Products Association’s monthly Lumber Track, for January-April 2019, shows a +0.9% increase in US softwood lumber production volume, to 11,718 mmfbm. Last month it was +0.4%.January – April softwood lumber production in Canada continued dropping, this time by another -8.8%, to 8,588 mmfbm, compared to the first four…

  • Softwood Lumber Prices Flatline as Supply Balances with Demand

    The closures and curtailments at North American softwood lumber manufacturers earlier this year, almost all at British Columbia sawmills, has achieved it’s intended consequence of improved supply-demand balance. Until that wood production went offline, order files at most sawmills were one week or less, which is incredibly short for the time of year. In recent…

  • Lumber Prices Moderate as 2019 Summer Begins in North America

    Compared to the wild highs of one year ago, lumber prices this week can be described as “moderate”. For this exact week in 2018, the price of benchmark North American construction framing dimension softwood lumber commodity Western Spruce-Pine-Fir KD 2×4 #2&Btr flatlined for several weeks at an astonishing US$622 mfbm. Since then this price has…

  • Lumber Prices Moderate as 2019 Summer Begins in North America

    This week’s price of benchmark WSPF 2×4 (wholesaler, net FOB sawmill/hub) is flat at US$402 mfbm compared to the previous week. This is +$96, or +31%, more than it was one month ago when it was US$306 mfbm. #sawmill #building #construction #wood #housing Madison’s Lumber Prices @LumberNews 1h #Lumber Prices Moderate Summer 2019 Day-to-day sales…

  • US House Prices: April 2019

    Nationally in the US, home price appreciation continued to slow in April. The Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price Index, reported by S&P Dow Jones Indices Wednesday, rose at a seasonally adjusted annual growth rate of +3.4% in April, following an increase of +3.1% in March. On a year-over-year basis, the Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price NSA Index…