US Single-Family Built-for-Rent Construction: Full-Year 2018
The number of single-family homes built-for-rent in the US increased over the course of 2018, as construction starts of this type of housing totaled 43,000 homes, compared to 37,000 for 2017. There were 10,000 single-family built-for-rent starts for 4Q 2018. According to data from the Census Bureau’s Quarterly Starts and Completions by Purpose and Design…
North America Softwood Lumber Production, Sawmill Capacity Utilization, WWPA: Full Year 2018
The latest issue of the Western Wood Products Association’s monthly Lumber Track, for full-year 2018, shows a +3.3% increase in US softwood lumber production volume, while that in Canada dropped by a similar ratio.US softwood lumber production in 2018 ended strong compared to the previous year, jumping by +3.3%, totalling 34,873 million board feet (MMBF)…
Madison’s Lumber Price Tool Demo
Video showing the data and functionality of the *new* Madison’s Lumber Price Reporter online dashboard tool: North America construction framing softwood lumber: 387 of the highest-volume, most commonly-traded, wood building materials wholesaler prices (net FOB sawmill) updated every Friday morning since 1952. Madison’s Lumber Price Reporter online dashboard tool: Quickstart User Guide: Madison’s Lumber Reporter…
Softwood Lumber Dispute V (that’s Five) Update: 2019
The dreaded, seemingly never-ending, Canada / US softwood lumber dispute has again reared it’s ugly head in the form of an “administrative review” request to the US Commerce Department. This could be considered a regular bureaucratic function of any trade dispute. It could also, unfortunately, be used as a information-sucking mechanism; handled a certain way…
Softwood Lumber Prices Soften, January US Housing Starts Pop: March 2019
Important data releases delayed by the US government furlough are starting to catch up to normal schedule. Because everything is related between agencies, there have been delays in Statistics Canada releases, since StatsCan works closely with US Census on North America data. This week Monday came out Canadian sawmill manufacturing sales and Canadian softwood lumber…