• US on Forestry Import Duty Frenzy

    In addition to Canadian supercalendered paper and softwood lumber, Canadian newsprint is now also being subject to an import duty from the US. As well, the US and China are currently in a fight over paper and cellulose pulp, levying duties on each other for respective domestic imports. Published on the US Federal Register Wednesday…

  • Back to Full Operation for North American Forest Products Industry

    Kiln-Dried Fir Softwood Lumber Sales Momentum Loss: December 2017 As in green fir, consistent and strong demand for Kiln-Dried Douglas-fir softwood lumber continued to come out of California – particularly the Southern part of the state – but overall it wasn’t enough to keep producers from lowering their asking prices. Players in the US intimated…

  • Seasonal Holiday Break for North American Forest Industry

    And what a year it has been, holey moley. Sawmills across Canada and the US will hardly get a chance to assess this wild year as year- end inventory in their yards is calculated before the New Year 2018, with it’s punishing softwood lumber duty, comes on. It is usual for the entire province of…

  • Canada and US Softwood Lumber Production, Sawmill Capacity: Sept 2017

    US sawmills produced 25.509 billion board ft. (bbf) of softwood lumber in the first nine months of 2017, another 3.2 per cent increase over last month, from 24.730 bbf in the previous year, according to the Western Wood Products Association’s latest Lumber Track report Monday. For their part, sawmills in Canada produced 21.374 bbf of…

  • Canada Softwood Lumber WTO Case

    Even in advance of the final US International Trade Commission determination, Canada’s Foreign Trade Ministry formally requested World Trade Organization (WTO) consultations with the United States concerning the US Department of Commerce’s recent final softwood lumber anti-dumping and countervailing duty determinations on imports of certain products from Canada, said Woodworking.net November 27. Canada that Tuesday…