China, Wildfires

Further to this week’s feature story in your Madison’s Lumber Reporter, China has mobilized nearly 3,000 people to quench two raging forest fires in the country’s southwest and north, said Xinhua Friday.
Authorities in the southwestern Yunnan Province have mobilized 1,720 people and two helicopters to put out a forest blaze in Dali City.
The fire broke out on Tuesday and was almost put out on Wednesday, but resurged and has swept an area of 50 hectares.
It was effectively controlled as of Thursday night, said the provincial forestry fire prevention headquarters.
Meanwhile, in the northern Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, a four-km firing line extended from Russia to primitive forest to the north of Greater Hinggan Mountain by Thursday afternoon, said local forestry police.
More than 570 firefighters have reached the scene in the Yimuhe Forest Farm run by Wuma Forestry Bureau by helicopter. Another 595 firefighters will arrive by helicopter on Friday.
An emergency work team with the North China Aeronautic Center for Forest Protection under the State Forestry Administration is on their way to the scene. Eight helicopters have been despatched.
It is difficult to contain the blaze as the fireground is so inaccessible, with poor communications and too much combustible undergrowth, said the region’s forestry bureau, according to Xinhua.