Interfor Selected for US Biomass Fuel Program

Interfor, based in Vancouver, BC, said one of its Oregon sawmills has been selected to participate in a federal program in the United States encouraging the production of biomass, according to Clean Tech Canada Thursday.
Interfor’s sawmill in Gilchrist, OR, southeast of Portland, was chosen by the head of the US Department of Agriculture to participate in the Biomass Crop Assistance Program (BCAP), an initiative that will see it take deliveries of biomass to use in its biomass-fuelled kilns.
The BCAP strategy was launched to “reduce US reliance on foreign oil, improve domestic energy security, and reduce carbon pollution, while expanding markets for agricultural products made in rural America.”
The program provides incentives to farmers and landowners “to establish, maintain and harvest biomass for heat, power, bio-based products, and biofuels.”
Interfor’s Gilchrist facility is one of 36 energy facilities across the US chosen to accept biomass through BCAP.

Interfor Biomass Fuel

Under BCAP, the department has annual mandatory funding of US$25 million to make payments for 50 per cent of the cost of establishing a new, perennial energy crop, annual maintenance payments for a crop as it matures until harvest (up to five years for herbaceous crops or up to 15 years for woody crops), and matching payments for mitigating the cost of harvesting and transporting agriculture or forest residues to an end-use facility.
Eligible biomass materials that qualify for BCAP matching payments include agriculture and crop residues and forest residues removed directly from public forest land.
Ineligible materials include conventional crops like barley, corn, grain sorghum, oats, rice, wheat, some oilseeds, peanuts, dairy products and sugar, and secondary agricultural or forest residues that are the result of processing.