North America Softwood Lumber Production, Sawmill Capacity Utilization, WWPA: JULY 2020

North America Softwood Lumber Production: JULY 2020

US softwood lumber production and sawmill capacity utilization rates continued to improve in July 2020 but those in Canada experienced drops compared to the previous month.

Compared to one-year-ago, for January – July 2020 softwood lumber production in the US increased previous improvements, up by +3.2%, says the latest issue of the Western Wood Products Associationโ€™s monthly Lumber Track.
In the first seven months of this year, US lumber production volume was 21,307 mfbm compared to the same time in 2019 when it was 20,655 mfbm. Comparing the month of July to June 2020, US softwood lumber production rose by +6%, at 3,317 mfbm for July 2020.
Last monthโ€™s update here:

After recovering in June from the lows of April, Canadian softwood lumber production and sawmill capacity dropped back down significantly in July 2020.

In Canada, meanwhile, softwood lumber production actually dropped in July after recovering somewhat in June, down for the first seven months of 2020, to 13,010 mfbm, compared to January – July 2019 when it was 14,530 mfbm. This is a big drop, of -11%. Comparing the month of July to June 2020, Canada softwood lumber production reversed previous improvements, to fall by -8%, at 1,871 mfbm for July 2020 compared to 2,027 mfbm the previous month.

Specifically British Columbia sawmill production volumes for year-to-date 2020 once again tanked, as last month, falling by a stunning -19% to 4,931 mfbm compared to January – July 2019 when it was 6,056 mfbm.

North America Softwood Lumber Production, Sawmill Capacity Utilization, WWPA: July 2020

North America Sawmill Capaciaty Utilization Rates: JULY 2020

US sawmill production as per cent of practical capacity for January to July 2020 remained flat, at 85%, as it was in the first seven months of 2019, said the Western Wood Products Associationโ€™s monthly Lumber Track.
Canadian sawmill production as per cent of practical capacity remained low in the first seven months of 2020, still at 74% compared to one-year-ago when it was 79%.