British Columbia Wholesale Lumber Association Roasts - Madison's Lumber Reporter

British Columbia Wholesale Lumber Association Roasts

The British Columbia Wholesale Lumber Association will be holding it’s 36TH Annual Lumberman Of The Year Award Roast at the Terminal City Club in downtown Vancouver, June 16.

BCWLA Roasts…

“A patriarch of the BCWLA will receive his due reward: to be roasted to a fine turn by his peers at an award ceremony to be held in his honour. A wholesaler’s wholesaler, and with its initial history going all the way back to 1946, Chris Beveridge is a charter founding member of the BCWLA of the modern era. Twice BCWLA president no one has been a more true supporter of the Association. President and CEO of Skana F.P., the wholesale lumber industry is his life. Former Chair of NAWLA, former Chair of the WRCLA, Chris was even a founding member of the very first BCWLA Roast Committee back in 1980. Now the founder of the feast is to receive his due reward, the BCWLA’s highest honour.”

For details and tickets contact:

BC Wholesale Lumber Association 4375 Underwood Ave,
North Vancouver, BC, V7K 2R8

Attention: Maureen Zavislak
Fax 604-986-1941