B.C. Forest Product Exports – March 2016

  1. Highlight of Exports YTD 2016 (March), compared to YTD 2015 (March):
    • B.C. forest product exports totalled $3.46 billion, up 8.7% from $3.18 billion.
    • Share of export value by market: U.S. (52.0%, up from 47.0%), China + Hong Kong (25.4%, down from 30.1%), Japan (8.5%, down from 9.0%) and other destinations (14.2%, up from 13.9%).
    • Share of export value by product: Softwood Lumber (48.7%, up from 46.2%), Pulp (23.4%, down from 24.8%), Other Wood Products* (16.2%, up from 13.4%), Other Paper Products** (7.0%, down from 9.3%) and Logs (4.7%, down from 6.3%).
      1. *Includes wood products such as Veneer, OSB, Plywood, Siding, Poles, Chips, Ties, Mouldings, Panels, Furniture, Seats, Pellets, Shake and Shingles, etc. **Includes paper products such as Paper, Cards, Cartons, Rolls, Trays, Containers and Sacks & Bags, etc. Data Source: B.C. Stats tabulation from Statistics Canada. Nominal Dollar Value
        Prepared by Alex Barnes, Competitiveness and Innovation Branch, Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations

      Screen Shot 2016-05-12 at 12.09.41 PMhttp://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/farming-natural-resources-and-industry/forestry/forest-industry-economics/forest-product-exports/exports-report-2016-03.pdf